‘The shame is theirs': Iceland, EU slam three-way mackerel deal

Intrafish News

Coastal States not party to this week’s trilateral agreement between the UK, Norway and the Faroe Islands say the deal will “legitimize” overfishing.

Norway, the United Kingdom and the Faroe Islands reached a trilateral agreement on Northeast Atlantic mackerel quotas this week. The other Coastal States are not happy.
Norway, the United Kingdom and the Faroe Islands reached a trilateral agreement on Northeast Atlantic mackerel quotas this week. The other Coastal States are not happy.Photo: Rune Kvamme

Pelagic fishing companies in the European Union and Iceland have issued stinging critiques of an agreement between three rival nations on the division of mackerel quotas in the Northeast Atlantic, saying the deal will “legitimize” overfishing.

Three separate industry associations accused the United Kingdom, Norway and the Faroe Islands of artificially inflating their quotas in a trilateral deal that gives the participants – just three of the six Coastal States with a claim on the stocks – a 72 percent share of the total allowable catch (TAC).

“The agreement between the three countries does little other than further cement an unacceptable overfishing of mackerel,” Fisheries Iceland CEO Heidrun Lind Marteinsdottir said in a statement.

Icelandic land-based salmon farmer First Water completes second closing, raising a total of $99 million

Intrafish News:


With the capital raise, the financing of the first phase of First Water’s land-based salmon farm is now guaranteed.

"We have a great project in hand, which is reflected in that we completed a successful funding despite difficult market conditions," First Water CEO Eggert Kristofersson said.
“We have a great project in hand, which is reflected in that we completed a successful funding despite difficult market conditions,” First Water CEO Eggert Kristofersson said.Photo: Landeldi

Icelandic land-based salmon farmer First Water has raised a total of ISK 13.7 billion (€94 million/$99 million) in new share capital.

The second closing of the equity round was completed last week and raised about €12 million ($12.7 million).

It follows the company’s first close in July, where First Water announced an €82 million ($90 million) equity raise.

MSC continues to evolve its multi-stakeholder Board

MSC continues to evolve its multi-stakeholder Board

Kristjan Th. Davidsson to take up seat on MSC’s Board of Trustees

The Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) Board of Trustees will be joined by a new Member, Kristjan Th. Davidsson, who will take up one of the Board’s designated seafood industry seats in late July 2021.
Mr Davidsson is Icelandic and is the Chair of Brim hf., which is a leading fisheries and seafood processing and marketing company in Iceland as well as being Board Member of other companies. The company has MSC chain of custody certification for all of its operating units. He holds a fishing captain’s degree and a fisheries science degree and began his career as a fisherman, then worked as an export/sales manager for seafood exporting/trading companies in Norway and Iceland. His industry experience includes acting as CEO of Grandi hf., (now Brim hf) as Managing Director of the Icelandic Aquaculture Business Association and as the Iceland representative for the North Atlantic Seafood Forum.
Kristjan Th. Davidsson will succeed Eric Barratt, who has been an MSC Trustee since 2014. Mr Davidsson’s appointment to the MSC board will ensure it retains a balance of Trustees from the fishing industry, academia, NGOs, retailers and other fields. Board members are carefully selected to ensure decision-making remains balanced and reflects different perspectives, expertise and experience.
Werner Kiene, Chair of the MSC Board, said: “The MSC relies on the insight, expertise and time of our Board of Trustees, as we seek to maintain and further strengthen our world leading standard for sustainable fishing and seafood sustainability. On behalf of my fellow Trustees, I would like to thank Eric for his outstanding dedication and invaluable contributions over so many years. We look forward to his continued interest in and support for the MSC.
“We are delighted to be welcoming Kristjan. The wealth of experience, seafood industry networks and commitment to sustainability he brings will be invaluable to the Board, and will ensure that as we continue to set the MSC’s strategic direction, we are guided by leaders representing a diversity of perspectives and knowledge bases.”
Rupert Howes, Chief Executive of MSC, said: “I am really delighted that Kristjan will be joining the MSC’s Board as one of our two designated seafood industry seats. Kristjan brings a wealth of experience and insights from a lifetime engaged in the seafood industry.  His experience covers harvesting and marketing of demersal and pelagic species and products, from Latin America to Europe and Africa, to China and Japan. Kristjan will be joining the Board as we begin to develop our new strategic plan that will focus on accelerating the delivery of our vision of healthy and productive oceans with seafood supplies safeguarded for this and future generations. I am very much looking forward to working with him. 
“I, too, would like to take this opportunity to give my profound thanks to Eric Barratt who has made an invaluable contribution to the development of MSC during his time on our Board”. 

Kristjan Th. Davidsson said: “Being able to work within a group of skilled and experienced people from around the world for the continued improvement of the seafood industry’s sustainability is an opportunity for which I am very grateful. The steadily increasing focus on sustainability helps us in this important work and secures a better future for us all. That is a task very much worth working for.”


Seafood Source News: Landeldi begins construction of salmon farm in Southern Iceland.




North Atlantic Seafood Forum verður haldin í 14. sinn dagana 5. – 7. mars n.k. í Bergen. Ísland er sérstök gestaþjóð í ár og um 20 íslensk fyrirtæki munu sýna breiddina í íslenskum sjávarútvegi; veiðum, vinnslu, sölu og þjónustu á sérstakri Íslandsmálstofu undir slagorðinu “Be inspired by Iceland”.

Íslensku fyrirtækin eiga það sameiginlegt að flytja út vörur og Noregur er mikilvægur markaður, iðulega mun stærri en Ísland, enda Noregur annað stærsta viðskiptalands Íslands í fiskafurðum, þar sem hæst ber mjöl og lýsi sem fer í laxafóður.

Fyrir veiðarfæri, vélar, alls kyns tæki, flutningaþjónustu og hugbúnað er Noregur einnig mjög mikilvægur markaður fyrir íslensk fyrirtæki.

Hátt í 1.000 manns sækja ráðstefnuna að jafnaði ár hvert, frá nokkrum tugum landa, mest stjórnendur í eða tengdir sjárarútvegi; út- og innflutningi, veiðum, vinnslu, eldi og alls kyns þjónustu á sviði fjármála, trygginga, flutninga og ráðgjafar auk opinberra aðila, samtaka fiskinnflytjenda og sjávarútvegs, sem og samtaka á sviðum sjálfbærni og sv. frv.

Nánari upplýsingar um dagskrá, skráningu ofl. er hægt að nálgast hér: www.nor-seafood.no



The worlds largest seafood business conference the North Atlantic Seafood Forum will be held for the 14th time next March 5th-7th in Bergen, Norway.

This year Iceland has a place of honor as special guest nation and Icelandic companies will be showcased under the heading “Be Inspired by Iceland.”

For further information and registration see www.nor-seafood.no

Expert Committee of The Royal Ministry of Fisheries in Norway delivers its report to Minister Sandberg.

As a member of the “Expert Committe on Seafood First Hand Pricing” of The Royal Norwegian Ministry of Fisheries I participated in the revision of the rules for conducting business in the Norwegian Seafood Business, i.e. the selling system for seafood from catchers to processors. The committee handed over the final report with recommendations to the Minister just before Christmas 2016. The link below (in Norwegian) is to a news item on the Ministry´s Webpage, featuring a photo of Chairwoman Bente A. Landsnes, CEO of Oslo Stock Exchange, Per Sandberg, Minister of Fisheries and myself.


The BIGGEST EVER North Atlantic Seafood Forum March 3.-5. Bergen, Norway!

The International Seafood Industry Conference North Atlantic Seafood Forum will be held for the 11th time in Bergen, Norway March 1.-3. 2016.

The North Atlantic Seafood Forum (NASF) is the world’s largest seafood conference and a leading top executive meeting place. NASF attracts almost 1.000 executives from over 350 companies in almost 40 countries from the global fishing and seafood industry this year.

At the 11TH NASF, you can explore cutting edge innovation, research, sustainability, policy, trade, and capital markets issues, all in the same venue. The NASF arena has focus on business, future trends and market developments. NASF is a broad annual industry event covering all major facets of the seafood sectors. It focuses on the key network between cutting edge innovation, technology, research, policy, finance, trade and commercialization.

Around 100 speakers give their market assessments and forecasts in 10 seminars and share their insights into vital developments forming the future of the seafood industry.

The 11TH conference in 2016 is an excellent opportunity to meet and interact with the leading world seafood operators, and other key players, along with financial institutions from the world’s largest seafood capital market, all in the same venue.

• Get insights into vital developments forming the future of the Industry;

• Hear the latest in innovative and commercial developments,

• Learn about the industry’s political and legislative direction,

• Understand the financial and economic issues affecting the market and

• Connect with leading seafood companies in the world.


More information at:


Conference program at:


Registration at:



Morgunverðarfundur NÍV og SFS 5. febrúar 2015.

Þann 5. febrúar kl. 08:30 – 10 halda Norsk-Íslenska Viðskiptaráðráðið og Samtök Fyrirtækja í Sjávarútvegi (SFS) morgunverðarfund á Grand Hótel þar sem aðalræðumaður verður norski athafna-, markaðs- og fjölmiðlamaðurinn Arne Hjeltnes.

Arne er eftirsóttur fyrirlesari og mun fjalla um hvernig Norðmönnum hefur tekist að byggja upp sterkt alþjóðlegt vörumerki á sviði fiskeldis og ferðaþjónstu auk þess að ræða sérstaklega ímynd bæði Íslendinga og Norðmanna á alþjóðlegum mörkuðum.

Auk Arne munu munu tala og taka þá í umræðum:
– Kristján Davíðsson, í stjórn Landsbankans, Vaka hf, Völku hf./ValkaAS og OlivitaAS í Tromsø.
– Aðalheiður Pálmadóttir,  Controlant AS, Noregi.
Steinunn K Þórðardóttir, Akton AS, Noregi.

Hlekkur á skráningu er hér:


Hlekkur á vefsíðu Verslunarráðsins er hér:



Technology is Reshaping the Seafood Industry

The value of exported fresh seafood products from Iceland has increased significantly over the past several years – and this trend is reshaping the industry – both at sea and on land. The increase, in both volume and even more in value, is not least thanks to improved handling and cooling of both catch and production. If the current volume of fresh seafood was to be exported frozen, the value would be only HALF the amount.

Another breakthrough is the development of new production equipment for fresh fillets, as X-ray guided water jet cutting technology and grading/packing equipment, all together yielding a revolution in both efficiency and new possibilities in meeting the ever increasing demand for high quality seafood products.

For further insight take a look at the below links to a couple of interesting news articles on the website of Matis – An Icelandic Food Research Company – & the link to the demonstration videos of Valka – A Leading Edge Developer of Seafood Production Technology.




Thank you for visiting my homepage

Welcome to my homepage. The page is made by Mr. Kristinn A. Sigurdsson, a good friend of mine, who also made the webpage www.lopaprjon.com that promotes and sells Icelandic knitware.

As time passes I hope be able to put some interesting material here.

To start with here is a link to a new video from the ongoing volcanic eruption north of Vatnajokull Glacier: http://www.ruv.is/frett/holuhraun-eruption-fresh-video